Monday, November 17, 2008

Teaching Over Seas

Hello all,
I don't know about you, but one of the reasons why I became a teacher is the ability and the need for teachers no matter where you live. Teaching is so important but I have always had a passion for traveling. I actually first went to school for travel and tourism but then switched to teaching. I have traveled Brazil and Ireland but would like to be able to travel some more after my certification.

So I thought that if I really want to travel why not teach in another country. I was curious to know if anyone else has looked into teaching in another country? Any suggestions for websites to look into these programs? Where would you teach and why? I decided to open this up for a discussion because I wanted to know about other people's opinions. One last question, would you try to go over seas right after the certification or would you stay and teach in the U.S. for a few years first? Why?

All right enough questions just thought it would be interesting to see the different responses!

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