Friday, December 5, 2008

Where's David?

I'm not really sure how to start this post. I want to talk about a problem that every educator faces and each solution has problems. There is a student in my dyad placement, we'll call him David, who is pulled out of the classroom so to work with various specialists. I think he is on an IEP, but for what I don't know. He has some kind of learning disability and the nature of the disability is not really important for the purposes of the post. The thing is, on most of the days that I'm in the classroom it seems as if Daniel is out of the class more than he is in it. This poor kid is missing the second grade. I have read that having a kid repeat a grade tends to do more harm than good and that makes sense. I am in support of the inclusion model with intensive support in specific areas by specialists. This seems to be the most workable model given the finacial restraints placed on schools. But to see this kid leave the class so often seems sad. I'm wondering if the classroom teacher could meet with the specialists and find ways to differentiate the instruction so that David could spend more time in the classroom?

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