I was wondering if giving grades is bad or if lazy teachers can make it bad. Obviously if a teacher looks at a piece of work done by a student and just arbitrarily gives it a letter grade, that is bad. In a situation like that there are so many external factors that could influence the grade. Even thing like if the teacher likes the student or if they are having a bad day could influence the students grade. But I'm forced to wonder if that's the grades fault?
If a teacher does a thoughtful and careful evaluation of the work citing it's strengths and weaknesses and then attaches a letter grade to that, it seems to me that that is appropriate. As long as there is a way for a student to see the evaluation that went into the awarding of that grade then it can be useful I think. But I'm wondering if perhaps I'm just used to grades and so that seems normal to me? What do you think, should we be giving grades or not?
The Ones Who Got Away
10 years ago
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